Musings & Ramblings

A place to share my thoughts, however random or unrelated they may be. While these began simply as a way to express my thoughts creatively, I found that I enjoy writing and I love language so expect to find a fair bit of it here.

Often it will be artwork in progress or behind the scenes look into my creative process. Possibly some new discovered artist or piece of art that I found exciting. Occasionally it may even feature that which has nothing to do with art at all, but still has it's place in the studio be it music, books or movies. In any case I hope you find something that strikes your fancy!

Ramble On...

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As mentioned in my first post almost two months ago, I am aware of my late arrival to very heavily attended pool party called “Blogging”. I was also quick to point out that I by no means think that there aren’t others out there who have said it first or better.

With these two facts in mind I wanted to take a breather this week and introduce ...

In Memoriam
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A week has gone by and we are faced with the loss of yet another giant in the illustration world. Jean “Moebius” Giraud passed away in Paris this morning at the age of 73.

His work spanned a variety of media and fans of all genres. His artwork would grace comic book page and movie screen alike, the uniqueness of his visions so complete that ...

In Memoriam
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A Legend left us yesterday. The Internet greeted me last night with the sad news that Ralph McQuarrie had passed away at the age of 82.

Few movies made their mark on my generation in quite the same way that the original Star Wars trilogy did. And while the simple timelessness of the story itself bears much of the responsibility for this, I ...

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It was not long ago that I thought much the same when hearing various friends say that they were going to begin keeping a blog. For the life of me I couldn’t think of how one would put such a blog to good use, or who would even be interested in the outcome. Since then I have found that many of these individuals can count me among their avid readers, ...

The Art of Ben Thompson